10 May 2015
Castle of Casale Monferrato
In Casale Monferrato in the halls of the Castle, the Civil Service inaugurated on 10th May 2015 a large exhibition with 172 works of art realized in the last 20 years, by artists from all over the world.
All works of art that represent an extraordinary Jewish festival: the Festival of Lights, that of the 9-branched candlestick, in which the first one acts as a witness and the others are lit up one evening after another for eight days.
You can visit the exhibition until November 1st from Friday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The interpretation of a millenary history between art and design, the lights of the Jewish festival of Chanukkah in a unique collection, exhibited completely for the first time in the Castle of Monferrato.